Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mr.Right #12

To M :** a7la surprise ha? :p
Maya: Fayeeeeee abeee aklmch abe agoolch shay mnn zman .. Bs mb 3rfa shloon
Faye: Shfeech? Tklmy.
Maya: Rinad told me about s3aaad ..
Faye : :/ ! What?

and with that .. we opened up to each other and we told each other everything and ever since that moment we were best friends <3
Months passed by and I was with a7mad.. I was deeeplyyy and madlyyy inlove with him. I have never fallen in love. I was never crazy about a guy. I never got jealous. A7mad made me have all of those feelings. I went crazy for him, hearing his name I would be in my own world. He was everything. The air I breathed. Awal ma agoom afkr feyh .. He was my one and only a7mad .. A7mad 7abeeby .. 7yatei .. Roo7y .. galbi .. Aaaa5 Fdaiiitk ya A7mad :') A7bkkk wallah :( Ent knt a7la shay f 7yatei kilha :') W7shtny wayed :(

One day.. I was with a7mad and Shei5a .. Their both my 2nd cousins and as for them they are 3yal 3am. We're all from the same family. So we all carry the same last name .. They were standing infront of eachother and i was 5 inches away from them..

A7mad : Shei5o bgoolch .. tadreeen e5tyy o 5alty kilah ygoolon lei ent 7g Faye ent 7g fayee?
Shei5a: Obaih 27liiiiiiiifff???
A7mad : Wallllaaa *laughing* hahaha.
Shei5a : Fayoo sm3teeihh?
*Fayes phone falls on the floor and she picks it up * Haa? Shgaaal?
A7mad: a7saan 5aleehaa f 3alm a5rrr :P
Shei5a * winks* bgoolch b3deeinnn :P

So being me.. OF COURSE MA NSAAAITTT o in the car 7anait 3lyha lain galat lei !
Faye : Shei5aa w elyy yr7m waldeech gooleeei le 3ad yalla tkfeen :(
Of courseee, I know enah shai5aaa mat5sh 3lay shayyy bs I just had to use my puppyyy eyeeesss (A)
Shei5a: well lets put it this way your probably gonna end up with a7mad.
faye: WHAT?!!?
Shei5a: hahahahaha
I felt my cheeeks burninnng.

A7mad and I were happy for almost a year .. bs ya faaaar7aa matmaaaaat .. Kil wa7d raa7 f 6reejah and the relationship stopped.. A7mad and i did stay in touch .. we actually never lost that touch.. I still talk to him till this day.

I had a rebound relationship.. I didn't know that it was one at first. I was stupid.... 3bdel3zeez. Thats his name.
3bdel3zeez was one of those rich-I'm-the-shit-get-out-of-my-way type of guy. It was blind love. It only lasted a month and a half. He was a douchebag. He was the controlling type. Ybeeni yswei ely y3jbah. Kan yshk wayed .. Ldrjat enah it was annoying. If he knew that me and any guy were friends he would grab his phone and read our conversations. He was SICK.

It was summer and I was enjoying my self in France.
*6riiing* ( bbm sound )
...: Fayee 3bdel3zeez f elmstshfah 6aaa7 min el b6b6aa o jsmah kilaah r'9oo'9 O ydah enksrt..
I didn't believe him. 7rkat 3bdel3zeez. I went and deleted him off bbm. 
3 days later.. I got a text message from him.
3zooz: Knt atmnah mayjeei hal yoom bs 3la ra7tchhh fayee ..
Little did I know.. he was still in love with me and sometimes we texted. When we were in paris i was sharing the room with my 7 year old cousin fdait galbha .. O kanat wayed t3bana o maree'9a so she started snoring o magdrt argd la2nah mt3wda 3la el mkyf o a9wtah :( so I was texting 3bdel3zeez o g3dna nsoolf lain margdt.. O 7sait'h y7bny L7een .. So from that day I decided to stop texting him and just give him his space to get over me. 9ij bykrhnei la2nah am gonna start ignoring him, but its for the best 3bdel3zeez. Ana asfa :* adrei Tkrh'ny now.. bs it was for your own good.. 3asah an tkr'ho shay2n W hwa 5ayrn Lkm :')

Mean while my best friend Maya was deeply and madly in love with 5aleel :p Fdait galbchh mayooo :* a7bch 7bbbb mb 6bee3y wallaaa. I had a friend called Dalal.. she would always talk to me about 7beebha.. After 5 months .. he passed away. O yaa fdait'ha Maya shkthr t3thbt :') 3awraaat galbi :( m3a enah it was only 5 months .. bs aa5 ya Maya shgaad she falls for people so fast and so deeplyy.. Fdait 2lb 2lbkkk :$ Maya went on Facebook and saw this 
الله يرحمك يا خليل ..
الله يرحمك يا خليل .. 
الله يرحمك يا خليل .. 
الله يرحمك يا خليل .. 
Maya wasn't sure if it was him.. but that day he didnt talk to her kilsh.. :') so she decided to check.. she told me to call and check because she was too scared .. 
...:خليل توفى
And i had to tell Maya.. Ya allah ya Maya shgad 2ntei m3wrah galbi O mabi agoolch :') I dailed her number and told her ..
She closed the line immediately. She was depressed. broken. She was gone and I didn't know if she was going to come back... :( Fdaitch Maya wallah maloomch.. I would never wanna be in your place.. Bs Maybe it was good for you.. You never knew where you guys could've ended etha la7een ho 7aay.. allah yr7mah O y'3md roo7a elJanah..
Dalal was crying too.. she was depressed .. and I saw her status as allah yr7mk 5alel.. O ana est'3rbt .. 9ij eldnya 9'3eera...
That day i was talking to 5aleels best friend.. His namee was 5aleel too .. O maskeeen 3waaar galbyy :') g63nyyy :') 9aaay7neei .. Mat5yal nfsei F mkanah .. I felt sorry for him.. M7d ys2l 3nah .. O kan ygooly fdaitch ya faye :') 9ij 7baitch m7d ys2al bs shnswy allah kareem .. so from that day on 5aleel and I were friends .. and we talked a lot until we broke the ice between us.. until one day.. we both realized we had feelings for each other... Maaan, Don't I wish that day never came... aaa5 :(

Monday, January 3, 2011

Mr.Right #11.

Dedicated to M :***

Oh god..
Where am I?
I sat on the floor and started crying .. what am I supposed to do?
Shei5a. I'll call Shei5a.
I dailed her number

Shei5a: Halla B Fayooo
Me: Sh*soob*ei5a*sob*
Shei5a:Faye :| Shfeech ?
Me: Shei5a*cries*cooo*breathes*come.. *crieS* pick me up :'(
Shei5a: Nfs elmkaaan?
Me: Ee shei5a eeeee :( hurry please *cries*
Shei5a: Okay 7beebti ana al7een yayah.

5 Minutes ela Shei5a was hurrying towards me.
I got into the car next to her

Shei5a: Faye shfeech?
Me: Please just drive I dont ever wanna talk about it.
Shei5a: 3la Ra7tch .. when you're ready to tell me gooly lee ..

The days passed by and I never told any one ..
I didn't want them to judge me.
I was scared..
So I just kept everything to myself..

Days ..
and months ..
passed by and I haven't left the house.
I'm not sure I was ready to face the world.
Ely 9aar le mub shwaya ..

I put my headphones on and dozed off

I can be a freak
I can I can be a freak
everyday of every week.

G7aaa9t to the sound of my phone receiving a text message..
Nayef ..
He's been asking about me alot..

Nayef: Faye .. ana a7bch wayeed mita btfhmeeen ya bnt?

I didn't know what to say so I just went to bed .. I had school bkra ..
I woke up so tired for school ..
Got into my uniform .. Didn't have breakfast and headed to school .
the minute I got to school I saw maya f wyhee.

Maya: Fayeeeeee abeee aklmch abe agoolch shay mnn zman .. Bs mb 3rfa shloon
Faye: Shfeech? Tklmy.
Maya: Rinad told me about s3aaad ..
Faye : :/ ! What?

and with that .. we opened up to each other and we told each other everything and ever since that moment we were best friends <3

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mr.Right #10

1 bbm ..
...: Ana a7bch fayeee :( wallah a7bch Bs jr7teeni ..
Me: Am sorry :( ent tadree enah makan 89dee :'( Bs it wasn't working out ..

A7med: Lets see how it works out now .. lets give us one more chance .. How about that ..
Me: I dunno ;/
A7med: Listen meet me at **** tomorrow at 8 PM.
Me: See you tomorrow then.

I curled up under my blanket and thought of what tomorrow holds for me ..

The next day 7 PM.

Now you got me stressing out
On the phone.
But it's the last time, I'm movin' on,
I'm throwing on my Louboutins.

I'm throwing on my Louboutins.
I'm throwing on my Louboutins.
I'm throwing on my Louboutins.

Lipstick? Check
Heels? Check
3baya On
Ready to go.
Grabbed my bag and headed out of the door.

My heart was beating so fast .. I dont know if i should be doing this.
What if I just go back home ..
but it was too late 

...: Heyyyyyy
I turned around to find a7med an inch away.
I stepped back
Me: Heyyyyyyyyyyy Long timee
A7med: Sh5baarch?
Me: I'm great oo ent shmswyy
A7med: Im b5aaair damch wyaaayy ;)
I blushed.
He grabbed my hand and started walking and talking about everything ..
Ma7seeina f el wgt until I looked at my phone 
Me: Oh snap, a7med Im sorry I have to leave now.
A7med: Badriiii 
Me: La wallah bs a7na m7saina bil waagt !
A7med: Okayy 5laaa9 
I turned around and he grabbed my hand and turned me around
A7med: Mafee goodbye kiss?
I blusheddd and kissed his cheeek and immediately turned around.
He grabbed my hand once again and kissed my cheek and hugged me
and whispered I love you. I felt my cheeks burning, I swear I could've died in his arms.

I saw A7med more than once ..
Our love grew ..
And Knt a7baaa 7ail ..
He was my first love.
Not the first guy I talk to ..
But my first love ..
So you couldn't imagine shgaad knt a7bah !

Shftah mara Oo mrteen Oo thlath oo arbaaa3 oo 5ams ..
Until one day ..
A7med: faye ana a7bich
He hugged me so hard.
Then I felt his hand going under my shirt
I pushed him away
Me: wtf?!
A7med: Come onn .. what are you going to do? Mafei 7aad
Trust me .. nothings going to happen
Me: are you crazy ??
He held me so tight i couldn't moveee and his hand was surfing under my Shirt ..
I started crying so hard I didn't know what to do. 
I tried pushing him.
I kicked him hard and pushed him away and started running endlessly.
I didn't know where I was going .. 
Where i'd end up.
I just wanted to run.
This is not what I wanted!
What I'm I doing ..
I stopped and looked around me ..
Oh god..

Where am I?

Monday, December 20, 2010

Mr.Right #9

Since that day me and 5olod never talked.. Ever again. 
Our friendship? Gone. Torn apart in a split second. Why? Because she believed some dude she barely knew over me! Oo she's known me for 3 years..
She picked his m95ara and her little thing wyah over me.. 
Wow Girls.. What stupid things they do for guys -.-! 
She's become a real bitch b3aad ..
Oo She's dating my ex now.. Just picking up my leftovers. 
I'm happy for them though they suit eachother.. 
Ohwa shayf nafsa oo ehya b3d shayfa naf'shaa ! 
Oo they don't suit me ;) 
Some people are just meant to give you a lesson and disappear .. Guess they were both meant to teach me a lesson.
*15 Days later*
*tin tin*
text message received.
I opened el text message ela elr8m '3reeb .. Hmm mno haii?
" Faye .. ana La7een ma'3yrt klame 3nich .. etha entii yu didnt change the way you think of me 3gb ma sara klmtich .. Tara wallah La7een A7bch .. Just give me a chance .. "
A7maaaaaad !
I kept staring at the message .. reading it over and over and over again.
I have a good feeling about him .. Oo eldinya Fraaa9 ..
I started typing: Lets discuss this before deciding to do anything.

I had nothing to do, so I turned on my laptop and decided to go on msn.
*6ring 6ring*
Lv Q6: Fayoo !!
Me: Hallaa 
Lv Q6 : I'm goonnna add you in a convo wya wa7ed athaaaany b ay 6ree8a y7awel yw9lch
Me:Mbaark shfeeek Mb 9a7eee? A3rfah y3rfneei?
Lv Q6: Ill add him Ooo bt3rfyn bs wallah 5laaa9 Sndrny
Me: 5laaa9 Okay .. 3shank ..
*Nayef has been added to the conversation.
Lv Q6: halla halla 7aii Alahh Nayoof
*Nayef : Halla feeeik .. allah y7ykk ..

This seeemed like it was going to be a long conversation .. I need some music on.
I opened itunes.
Allll the crazy shit I did tonighttt, those will be the best memories. I just wanna let it go for the night that will be the best therapy for meee.
Lv Q6: Faye shfeech Saktaa?
Me: Hhhh la wallah sorryy kint ga3da asweii shay.
Lv Q6: 3al 3moom, Nayef, Faye, Faye, Nayef.
Nayef: Halla hallaa Fayeee
Me: Ahlain ..
Nayef: Sh5baaarch?
Me: Wallah el7mdalla Oo ent?
Nayef: Tmaaaaam damna klmnaach ..
I stayed silent.
Lv Q6: almohim Yalraaab3 ana Baroo7, '9eefha oo klamha.
* I got nayefs invitation .. I left it .. I didn't know if i should accept or not ..
So I just signed out.
I watched TV for about 2 hours then signed back on.
Lv q6: Fayoooo shfeeech Ma8bltyh? 8bleeeh ..
Me: Ok..
* I accepted nayef.
Nayef: Taaw ma nawr elmsn . Halla halla halla wallah ..
Woww shfeeh hayy :S let him chill -.-
Me: Hhhh :) ElNoor Noorik .. 
Nayef: Wallaaah yaaaa Faye enii Min zman a7wel aw9lch Mub 3arf shloon
Me: Oo w9altlee al7een ,, Fe shaaay?
Then I focused on his display picture .. OMG :|:| NO WAY 
Thaaaaat can't be him :O
Nayef: Faye ana ashoofch kil mkaaan aroo7 Lah .. Oo 7sait enah its a sign for me to talk to you.
Me: ....

The days passed by and Me and Nayef got to know eachother better .. M3a the days .. He really fell for me .. 
But i just got into a relationship with A7med .. And Nayef wasn't my type at alllllllll .. Bs he was really crazy about me and I didn't want to hurt him .. I tried to do everything to make him stop loving me .. I tried everything to fall for him bs mb byadee .. I just couldn't .. The days passed by .. and A7med and I were in a relationship for about a month now .. We had a lot of problems and I decided to take a break from this relationship .. A7med got really hurt and I could see from the way he responded to every sentence I said..

A7med: B3d ma knte a'3la el'3lyat 9rtee r5ee9aa !! *Click* 
and he hung up ... 
I kept staring at my phone .. in the dark ..
and the tears started falling down my face ..
A7med? How would he say that ..
Out of all the people .. A7medddd??
2 Weeks passed by .. and I talked to my friend Dalal about it ..
Dalal signed on my msn and talked to him ..
Galha kilshay fe wgta 7lew ..
Dalal tried .. bas no one can y'3yr raaaay a7mad ..

1 bbm ..
...: Ana a7bch fayeee :( wallah a7bch Bs jr7teeni ..
Me: Am sorry :( ent tadree enah makan 89dee :'( Bs it wasn't working out ..

Saturday, October 30, 2010


*6a6ing* < 9oot bbm
*Broadcast from rinad*
" Your such a fucking liar "
Ohhh we all know who the liar is you bitch :)

I got so pissed. I cried mnn el8ahar!
Even though those bitches mayst'hloon dm3aaaaa w7daa 7taaa :)
I had a cousin, which was like my sister. 24/7 wyaha .. Her name is .. Hmm let's call her She5a !
She5a saw me crying and it ticked her off. She grabbed my phone and dailed Rinads number

Rinad : alooo hhh *bitch laugh*
She5a : halla bl5araaa! Enty shfeech mtsm3een elklam y3ne e3gly gabl la tgoolen shayy t2kdy mnn klamch
Rinad : ana mglt shay bss s2lt
She5a : oo faye jwbtch oo m9dgteeha shstsmeen hay?
*Rinad throws phone to 5oolod*
5olood: oo enty laish enshalla edf3een 3nha?
She5a: bnt 3my oo kaifi oo ashklch elw95a mysthloon ykonon fayes friends!
5olod : hahay *bitch laugh* m7d mayet 3la faye babe ;) that's why all her exes come to me.
She5a: tithkry enah they picked her first and yu only took the Leftovers yal G7ba :) *hangs up*

I went to bed and called it a night.
The next day I was going to the cinema with Shei5a and her sister 3alya.

The whole time oo ana f elcinema 5oolod kept bbming me! God shtby????

5olod: yaaal g7ba enty rkbty syartah!
Faye: n3mm? Enty shayfaa enty shg3da tgoolen? Ween ra7 3glch
5olod: enty fahma 89dy 3dl don't lie
Faye: get your facts straight bitchh.

*5olod calls*
I don't pick up la2na I'm in the cinema oo 7da ez3aj

5olod: pick up yal5wafa
Faye: babe mb 5asha shay 3shn a5af mnch ;) atleast I have nothing to hide like you. Bs sorry ma'9y3 wgty 3la ashklch elw95a. ;) ttyl let me enjoy my movie
*deletes from bbm*

Since that day me and 5olod never talked.. Ever again.
Our friendship? Gone. Torn apart in a split second. Why? Because she believed some dude she barely knew over me! Oo she's known me for 3 years..
She picked his m95ara and her little thing wyah over me..
Wow Girls.. What stupid things they do for guys -.-!
She's become a real bitch b3aad ..
Oo She's dating my ex now.. Just picking up my leftovers.
I'm happy for them though they suit eachother..
Ohwa shayf nafsa oo ehya b3d shayfa naf'shaa !
Oo they don't suit me ;)
Some people are just meant to give you a lesson and disappear .. Guess they were both meant to teach me a lesson.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mr.right #7

S3ad: Fayee...

Me: N3m?
S3ad: Tara i still wanna be in a relationship .. o m3lay min 3woosh wla '3eerha !
Me: Tara this is my friend your talking about oo may9er shay ela br'9ha !
S3ad: Oo leesh min tkoon hei :/
Me: Min tkoon ent ?!

3woosh: Omg faye ! B6lbch 6lb latrdeeenyyy tkfeeen
Me: amraaay
3woosh; May2mr 3laich 3doo ! Abeech you date him tkfeen latrdeena ! Tara mb awal mara y9eer le che ! bs abeech you date him zeen!
Me: Leesh zeen?
3woosh: Bs.. please faye latrdeeny..

S3ad: afa faye shfeech ! tara mb lazm 7d y3rf.
Me; ent esh89tk ;/!!
S3aD: fayeee wallah eny shareech
Me; we can give it a try sh5sraneeen :/!

I was exhausted, so I went to bed. I had a long day ahead of me.

6:30 AM. I woke up and got ready for school. S3ad was everywhere. 
maa3 elwgt I fell for S3aad.. not so much.. but I fell for him anyways.
I was his first relationship. He has been waiting almost 2 years for me.
Maa3 elwgt.. S3ad became such an ass.. A stuck up jerk..
Why? Because he dated me. Why? Because he got the girl he wanted.
9irna wayed nt'hawsh .. he was closeminded about everything I couldn't stand it!
I just wasn't ready to let go of him yeet...

My friend 5olod was registering f my school.. 
After maa my friend 5olod came to my school she decided to transfer me.
My mom hated 5olod more than anything in the world and she never wanted me around her.
When I got accepted f my other school 5olod found out .. she wanted to get back to me b ay 6reee8a !

5olod: Haha elaa faye ! Tara s3aad 9ij cute !
Me: gilt lich before ;p bs i'm over him now. we're done. loool.
5olod: aha ! Me and Rinaaad 6y7na pen oo Rinad wanted to pick it up oo chan a6ee7 oo g3d y'97k 3leena 3laih '97ka cute !
Me: Ahaaa loooool :p yeah..
5olod: Hhh !

What a bitch :)! Whatever .. she can have my left overs ;)
Kamalt 1 week in my new school chan i see my phone ringing ela its Rinad !

Rinad: Fayee ! 7beebty I miss yu ana here wyaa 5olod !
Me: haha heyyy I miss you too !
5olod: Fayeeeeeeeeee !! I miss you yal 5ysaa !
Me: I miss you toooooo !
Rinad: So fayee bs2lch ?? My cousin 3bdalla ygool ench 6l3te wyah !
Me: What the fuckkk no i didnt :S !
Rinad: Yeahh oo ench you talk to his friend ..
Me: ay friend ay zaaaag !
Rinad: Emailch mwjood 3nd his friend !
Me: Mb shr6 i accepted y3ne :S what the fuck i didn't accept !
Rinad: Fayee fe conversations !
Rinad: Yeah okay bye *Hangs up*


*6a6ing* < 9oot bbm
*Broadcast from rinad*
" Your such a fucking liar "
Ohhh we all know who the liar is you bitch :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Mr.Right #6

What a friend .. Minn that day me and Sara didn't talk as much, I didn't trust her, bs she trusted me. You know  why? La2nah everything she told me from Day 1 .. I never told a SOUL ! Bss she told everyone .. We did kind of grow apart ..
I didn't know If I wanted to be with a7mad or not .. especially since I'm having second thoughts about it..
Never do something if you have second thoughts about it. Maaa a7s he's my type.. I don't believe in having a '' type '' bs .. klsh ma7s'etah kan mnasb ! So, I just forgot about it. Wla kanaaah 9aar shay ! 6g3t and i tore that page out of my life ! The days passed by .. Hal month 5laa9 oo jaah ely 3gba .. It was my friends birthday tomorrow. I texted her and said : Happppy Birthdayyyy ya a7laaaaa mnoooora :*

After ma I texted her I decided to go on and check my FB since I haven't in daaaaaays. Chan ashoof S3ad al - X

3woosh: e7LFYYYYYY !!!
me: Wallaaaaah add him shn6raaa !
3woosh: I CANTT !! you do it !

*Add as a friend*
3la 6oool he accepted !
He FB chated me 3la 6ool :/!

S3ad: Halla Hallaaa.
Me: Ahleeen.
S3ad : taaaaaw manwr al FB maly !
Me: alNoor Noorik !
S3ad: Wainch entaaaay min zmaan adwrech fe FB malgeetich bs sb7an allah alllah y7bneee enty '9fteeny 3la 6ool !
Me: Haa :S !.. Lool s3ad ana mb '9yftk 3shn shay .. am doing it for a friend.
S3ad: Fayee.
Me: Halla
S3ad: Gabel la tgoolen ay shay 5leeny ana atklm..
Me: Tf'9al
S3ad: Anaaa ya fayee a7bch bkamel sinteeen al7een oo min zmaaan abe aw9lch mb 3aref shloon !
Me: N3am :S
S3ad: 5leeny akmel ya faye tkfeeen la tgoolen shay 5leeny a5l9
Me: Tklam ...
S3ad: Oooo a7eeen enty '9fteeny tkfeen la t'9y3eeen fr9aa jaat leeen 3ndch ! AlMohim... Ana madree enty '9yftnee 7aaag min bs bntfham b3deen ! enty Fakree al7eeen oo '9feeeny 3al msn

Eshblaaah hathaa :S m9rg3 !!

*3woosh has just nudged you*
Ya rabee shgoolha...

3woosh : Ha fayoo Klmteeh..
Faye: Umm laaa2 !
3woosh: Jaaad fayeee min 9jch maklmteeeh ?! Taraa 3deee ana mtw83a enaah may7bny goole el9ij baaas tara mob awal mara et9eer lee..
Faye: 3woosh maklmta.. 
3woosh: Okay 5laaa9 bs klmeeeh now please :*

OMG SHSWY ! shal m9eeeba !

 I added s3aaad on msn gilt 5l'hm yklmoon b3'9 a7sn !

Me: 3wooshaa ana '9fta 3al msn 5l'km tklmoon b3'9 
3woosh: Okaay sweelah invite !
*Adds s3ad into the convo*
Me: Hallla S3aaad.
S3ad: Hallla blyyyy nwaaaaaar my msn !
Me: .. Umm s3aaad.. this is who i added you for.
Me: Ohmygosh ! Ent shfeeek :S elbnyaa tara wyana f elm7dthaa
S3ad: oooo 5eeeeer ya 6eeeeer? 5t3rf enyy ma7b'ha wla abeeeha ! Ana a7b w7da thanya !
3woosh: Min t7b? Fayeee ! adre faye a7la mny oo kl'n ytmnha bs JAMLNY SHWAY !
Me: Shd5l 3woosh ! Lat9dgeenah hathaa m9rg3 !
3wosh : Faye enty malch sh'3l fdaitch :* g3da aklm'h ho ! Faye please momkin t6l3een min elconvo .. 5leeny atf'hm wyah broo7e !
*leaves convo*

I stayed waiting for mins... oo mins .. till ma9rooo 5 minutes..

S3ad: Fayee...