Monday, January 3, 2011

Mr.Right #11.

Dedicated to M :***

Oh god..
Where am I?
I sat on the floor and started crying .. what am I supposed to do?
Shei5a. I'll call Shei5a.
I dailed her number

Shei5a: Halla B Fayooo
Me: Sh*soob*ei5a*sob*
Shei5a:Faye :| Shfeech ?
Me: Shei5a*cries*cooo*breathes*come.. *crieS* pick me up :'(
Shei5a: Nfs elmkaaan?
Me: Ee shei5a eeeee :( hurry please *cries*
Shei5a: Okay 7beebti ana al7een yayah.

5 Minutes ela Shei5a was hurrying towards me.
I got into the car next to her

Shei5a: Faye shfeech?
Me: Please just drive I dont ever wanna talk about it.
Shei5a: 3la Ra7tch .. when you're ready to tell me gooly lee ..

The days passed by and I never told any one ..
I didn't want them to judge me.
I was scared..
So I just kept everything to myself..

Days ..
and months ..
passed by and I haven't left the house.
I'm not sure I was ready to face the world.
Ely 9aar le mub shwaya ..

I put my headphones on and dozed off

I can be a freak
I can I can be a freak
everyday of every week.

G7aaa9t to the sound of my phone receiving a text message..
Nayef ..
He's been asking about me alot..

Nayef: Faye .. ana a7bch wayeed mita btfhmeeen ya bnt?

I didn't know what to say so I just went to bed .. I had school bkra ..
I woke up so tired for school ..
Got into my uniform .. Didn't have breakfast and headed to school .
the minute I got to school I saw maya f wyhee.

Maya: Fayeeeeee abeee aklmch abe agoolch shay mnn zman .. Bs mb 3rfa shloon
Faye: Shfeech? Tklmy.
Maya: Rinad told me about s3aaad ..
Faye : :/ ! What?

and with that .. we opened up to each other and we told each other everything and ever since that moment we were best friends <3